Saturday, January 23, 2010

Gods Way, Not Our Way!

Today we went to a high School on the other side of the island. Mike, Micah, Matthew, Brooke, Janene, Claudia, Cherre', Sherlyn and Joseph, all piled into a truck and started thier journey. After a thirty minute ride, scruntched into the back of the open bed truck, the missionaries made it to the school. Upon arrival, dozens of children ran up to the truck, and greeted the missionaries with bright smiles and tiny handed high fives. "What's up dudes?" they all exclaimed. The students were from an elementary school that was right next to the highschool we were schedueled to visit. The schools shared a giant, green, open field where children would play, walk and talk. Most children would stay under the roofed topped benches to stay out of the sun. After the missionaries unloaded from the truck, they began greeting the children with hugs, high fives, and singing songs. Before the team knew it, they were surrounded by a whole school yard of children, and those were not even the children that we had planned on having an outreach with! God always seems to show us that our ways are not His ways! Amen! The team then began to set up the music equipment at the highschool. Mike Terrell began warming up to lead worship, as the highschool students began to file out of their classrooms and lined up around the plaza. Anointed, and prepared to serve God, Mike Terrell led not only the 500 highschool students, but ALL of the elementary school students that God brought over. The elementary school teachers were curious what the "U.S. Foriegners" were doing, and inturn, dismissed class, bringing more children to hear of the good news that Jesus has to offer. Praise God! During worship, all the women of the team went tinto the crowd, and invited the children to praise God while clapping thier hands and dancing. For most Native Philippino's, that kind of worship is uncommon. But by the looks of the children, and judging by thier smiles and laughter, it seemed as though it might begin to be more common than not; especially with the enthusiastic, and spirit filled songs orchestrated by Mike Terrell. After worship, Micah and Matthew gave messages of Gods love! Some students had never experience the kind of love that God offers freely everyday. And because we know of that love, we inturn rejoice, give thanks and pray unceasingly to our Father in heaven. No matter the circumstances. Circumstances do not change God's love, Circumstances change us, to be more in the image of His son Jesus Christ. Who is faultless and all loving! After the message, dozens and dozens of children accepted Christ as thier personal Lord and saviour. Trusting God, in every parts of thier life.

1 Chronicles 16:10
Glory in his holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the LORD rejoice.

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