Friday, November 13, 2009

Jesus is contagious!

While waiting for the airlines to board our team, we made ourselves at home amongst the crowd. It did not take long for us to see the holy spirit moving through and for us. Brooke Nielsen, Matthew Hutchinson and Micah VanDover were all divinely seated next to 3 eager hearts, waiting and willing to hear the Word of God. Bibles in hand, and scripture written on thier hearts, they began the work of reconciliation for our Lord Jesus Christ.

Brooke Nielsen had the opportunity to lead a gentleman named Vic to Christ. After a brief introduction, Brooke dove into the heart of a man, who did not know what life with a personal relationship with Jesus looked like. He said he grew up Catholic, but something was missing. Brooke then began to explain to him the simplicity of Gods love for him, and how it was a gift that has always been there, and just needed to be recieved. With wide and eager eyes, Vic asked to be lead in prayer to ask the Lord for a personal relationship with Him. After a heart felt prayer, Cherre Ewing gave Vic pocket sized Bible. He looked at it with a big smile and said, "I'm going to read this on the plane!" Mike Terrell then began to read over scripture pertaining to God's love. Vic was illuminated.

How amazing to see different parts of the body come together, using the God given gifts and skills to further the kingdom.

Our team quickly realized that we had not even boarded the plane, and yet our mission trip for the Philippines had already started. Evangelism in not something someone does, its what they live.

1 comment:

  1. Praying for all of you- way to go Brooke- you are amazing! Doesnt surprise me one bit! Really happy to read how Jesus is using each of you. Sending my love, hugs and prayers, Michele
